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Thunder, Lightening, Storms! OH MY!

Tina Marie


My love Mark and I are on a journey!  We recently purchased a Travel Trailer and our friends asked us to join them on their trip up north (Florida) haha.  We said sure!  Of course it would have been smart to check the weather before we left!  Oops!  

Last night was quite the experience! Where we are located it is right on the Gulf of Mexico! The storms came in with a bang! The wind howled, the rain came down in buckets, thunder clashed and lightening shined bright, but through it all we were safe! There were threats of tornados, but none formed.

Long before the storms came I called upon Archangel Michael. I asked him to put his wings of protection around the park where we were. I asked him to keep all of us safe, and the storms at bay. He did just that! Yes, we had some strong storms, but nothing like other areas got! I found out that down the road from us there was a tornado that touched down!  I'm glad I trusted Michael would protect us and he did! I had peace in the storm. ? Do you have peace in your storms?  Are you asking for protection?  Call upon Archangel Michael and find peace!

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@Tina Marie thanks for the update on your travels!! My father-in-law lives down on the gulf at Gulf Port and we were watching those tornados closely!! glad you are safe!!

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Melissa Kennedy


I should be sleeping but here I am catching up with your blogs! xo So glad the angels were on duty! 


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