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Galactic Beings/Planetary Team

Melissa Kennedy


My notes from part 2 of meeting our galactic team
If anyone else gets similar, after watching the replay, let me know!
I have a total connection to all of these beings but, the Orions feel like my origin! 
Tall beings, orange clothing, large heads, large almond eyes. Imparting wisdom, peace, light, ascension energy. They shape shift, they walk among us. They may be prominent light workers in this physical realm, people of power. They have swords and light comes from them. It is peaceful light, it shines out before them. They regenerate the land with this light and these swords as well. They handed me a golden box of knowledge. I open it, sparkles of light fill the room. I feel a very strong connection, like they are supporting me. Be still, they impart, they are bringing their color,  their light, and knowledge. I can feel its warmth. 
Galactic Healers From Orion 
They are beings of brilliant white light. Total light bodies. We are from the furthest reaches of the galaxy, they tell me. You travel far to connect with us. We impart light, wisdom and knowledge to those who seek our council. When you journey out this far into the cosmos we are here to guide you. Rest and this knowledge is downloaded into your memory. No need to worry, what you need will be given to you.  Divine wisdom, no books to study with us. Bring your willingness and you will learn . Connect with us often. We wait to work with humanity. You are us and we are you. The planet that is Orion, was similar in appearance to the moon but, it is brilliant white! To be on Orion feels like you are in a hologram because things are so still! I could see clear into another solar system, with many planets and another galaxy, from where I was standing on Orion.  The water on Orion is White! There are also beings that live in this water. It was very peaceful, absolutely no breeze, total stillness. I asked my name on Orion, and they told me it was Starella! It was a cool journey and my strongest connection. 
large eyes, very peaceful so full of inner wisdom, expansion so grounded and secure in their beings and knowledge. Very steadfast beings. Their wisdom is so strong! Their energy is strong and I feel united with them and they are a very united race. They wish to impart this feeling of being a part of something grander than ourselves, to join together in being part of the collective civilization. To be part of them you are yourself but, you are never disconnected from the collective greatness of love, strength and understanding. They radiate strength and knowledge. Strength in numbers they say. They are ancient beings. They are the leaders of the collective strength of the Universe. Solidarity for all beings. unity, unification. positivity, oneness.
This is trippy! No mushrooms were needed! LOL Lucky for me, I don't need any mushrooms! ? Na Nu Na Nu 
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I am still laughing about the mushrooms!!! I was thinking these days how it would be for me if I ever tried! hahahahahaha


12 presences and colour pink
They surrounded me and then the circle. I felt loved and they activated my crystals. I was given one to place on my forehead. I felt my sword on my back being activated.


A message for Carly.
"Keep creating these events and hosting the attunements for all the lightworkers that are interested in contacting us." They told me to be by your side cause we both create a bridge between them and the lightworkers.


"We are a forgotten race and we brought ourselves back to the light to help and guide the human race to their transmutation. We hold the knowledge of transmutation that you need to use in this lifetime. Connect with us. Ask for our support. We are here to guide you."




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Melissa Kennedy


@ElenaThank You so much for sharing your connection with these beings! I have no idea why I am just seeing your response! Keep shining bright! ☀️????????

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nah no worries!!! ❤️ 

thank you love, let's keep shining! ❤️ 

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Tina Marie


Wow so cool!  I need to go to the replay and join in!!  ???? Thanks so much ladies for sharing your amazing journeys!

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Tina Marie


Elena you are funny!  Ok here is what they said!

Andromeda - Very strong presence!  They ran into me like a hug!  They told me this: We would like you to connect with us more often.  We are your home.  We love you we are one.  They told me I was a Sparkle Diamond and a Special Angel.  They work through me.  I don't need to see them just feel them and know we are there.  You belong to us!  Always have always will.

Orion- My feet were hot, I got tingly.  They told me they were the most powerful.  They are in charge.  Don't worry about anything because they are here and in control.  Change is coming so know it is from us.

Antarian - They are an old race.  They know about love and bring it to the world.  This is a challenging time for us because no one is listening.  We need to get their attention.  They seemed distant.

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