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Arch Angel Rapael

Melissa Kennedy


Let the Angels Be your Guides 

Today, I want to talk to you about Arch Angel Raphael.

Have you ever just called upon him? Do you know he is the 'Divine Healer'?

Have you ever just basked in his divine love and healing? If you do, his color may appear as

an amazingly beautiful green light! His energy and vibration will fill you with

a warmth and peace, that no amount of money could buy!

He taught me today that when my eyes water during my mediumship sessions or

any session that I do, he is there and that is my signal that I need to offer

spiritual healing, and emotional support through kinds words, that are 

divinely given and inspired.  When you feel his wings wrap around your entire body,

as he rests his head against yours and your foreheads meet.

There is no doubt, you are in the presence of a divine healer, a divine teacher. 

When we grow spiritually, we learn to sit and  trust. We need to listen, and feel with all of our senses. 

If you want to heal others, you have to first open yourself up to the divine teachers and healers. 

If you call them in, sit with them.  Let them teach you, do not rush what they have to show you,

this time is for you!  I promise,  you  will be amazed at what they can teach you.

I am always listening.   I am forever a student of divine love and knowledge, 

That only the Angels can give us, directly from the divine

Sit and let the Angels be your Guides. Where are the Angels guiding you?

Peace, Love and Light to everyone!  








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Thank you Melissa for this message. It resonates deeply with me, as I too have discovered the blessing of my tears as gifts from the angels and sat together in their loving embrace! TRUST!!!

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Melissa Kennedy


Mandi: Awesome & Yes, it is such a beautiful feeling and experience! ?

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Beverley Pennell


Thank you Melissa for this beautiful reminder, I am now begining to take each day as it unwraps and have began taking to our gentle angel more.thank you 

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Melissa Kennedy


So glad Bev! AA Raphael is amazing! 

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