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Being an Empath

Tina Marie


Yesterday I was working with a client and he shared that they were struggling with their daughter.  He proceeded to tell me how she was feeling, and how helpless they felt to help her.  I said, "She's an Empath."  He said, "Yes, I believe she is.  We talked about that the last time we talked about her."  I said, "I remember."  I then proceed to explain to him why she feels the way she does, and how being an Empath myself I would love to work with her.  In our lives we go through things to help us, but more times than not it's to help others!  Had I not gone through some of the experiences I went through I would not be able to help her with authority.  I say authority because the first thing people say is, "You can't understand, you've never been through it!"  I can reply, "Yes I have, this is what happened to me, and this is how I cope today."  If anyone out there is struggling with being an Empath please reach out to me!  I have some techniques that I use daily to help me overcome the struggle.  Sending you all a Blessing of Bliss! ?

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Tina Marie thank you for this! It can be a stuggle for some, it was for my parents. 

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Tina Marie


I struggled when I didn't understand why I was different.  Now I don't I embrace my uniqueness! ?

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I did as well until I understood much later! I'm glad that we are able to communicate now with each other and know that we are not alone, there are others like us!! ?

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Beverley Pennell


Hi there i would love some help. my youngest daughter is an Empath i have taught her some techniques but she struggles through each day and is now coming home in tears after work a lot.

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Tina Marie


Beverley I would love to help your daughter.  Can you email me?  My email address is 


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Beverley Pennell


hi Tina Marie i enjoyed meeting you and Mandi earlier today,  I had a chat with my daughter when she got home from work and yes please she is interested.

Thank you to both you and Mandi .

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Tina Marie


I enjoyed meeting you two also!  I decided to put my techniques out on a blog so everyone can use them if they wish!  It's under "Techniques for Empaths".  I hope they help!  If you have questions let me know! ?

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Thank you Beverly! I enjoyed meeting you both as well! I hope to help anyway that I can! Sending Love❤️

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