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Wisdom from my Spirit Guides

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Finding the Missing Link

Tina Marie


For most of my life I was a people pleaser.  It was almost like I was a puppet in everyone else's life.  I was always looking for the truth to life.  When I went to church, I always felt like some thing was missing.  I didn't know what that was, but I was bound, and determined to find the missing link.  Fast forward to 5 years ago.  I got the courage to leave my husband of 31 years.  I guess you could say it was more like self preservation.  The stress of my life was more than I wanted to endure for another 30 years.  When I walked away I didn't know who I was.  I don't think I've ever felt more alone, but I knew I was doing the right thing.  I've always believed in a higher power, and talked to that power all the time.  

Growing up I was an empath, and psychic, but didn't know that's what was happening to me.  After all if you are different like that you must be demonic or crazy.  It wasn't until 5 years ago when I went on my journey for self discovery, did I realize that God gifted me in a special way, and if I would just embrace who I am, my life could change.  So I stepped out of the box, and became the person I am today.  It wasn't easy.  Some of my church friends walked away.  Others told me I'm talking to demons, and if I needed help they could recommend me to a Pastor friend of theirs.   I would smile, and say thank you, but I'm ok.  For the first time I was standing up to the naysayers and saying this is who I am.  Take me or leave me, but I need to be true to myself.  

I have never been more peaceful.  I have never felt so loved.  And the most wonderful part of this whole story is the man I met, and would spend the rest of my life with!!  He understood me because his wife (she passed away 4 years ago) was a psychic, empath, reiki master and had her own metaphysical store!  So when we met one of the first things I said to him was.. "I know things.  If you plan on cheating, being deceitful etc. I will know before you do it."  He smiled and said, "Let me tell you about my wife."  We both had a good laugh about that, and have been together ever since.  He is the first person in my life that didn't want to change me.  He accepted me for who I am.  He even encourages me to do my thing!  His support allows me to continue to grow in my gifts, but he also allows me to share my experiences.  The truly wonderful thing is... My first encounter with having a spirit come to me was his wife!  She came to me one night, and let me know she approved of the relationship!  I felt ice cold from within, then I felt someone caress my hand, and then she laid down beside me.  The next morning when I got up I shared the experience with Mark and he said, "I wasn't going to tell you this, but today is mine and Carol's anniversary."  I said, "Oh my gosh that was Carol."  He smiled and said, "Yes it was."  Mark later went to see a medium and she told him that Carol sent me to him.  It doesn't get more special than that!  I have never been happier in my life, and I continue to grow and trust myself.  That has always been a challenge for me, but I'm learning!  

Julian has helped me grow so much, and I feel so Blessed to have him in my life!  Thank you for allowing me to share my story.  I hope that if it encourages even one person it is all worth while. ?  One final thought... I know I'm never alone because I have my Spirit guides, Angels, and a whole group of Spirits helping me on my journey!  AND They are filled with Love for me! ?

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That's beautiful and thank you for sharing. So lovely to hear you have found what sounds like your soul mate.  When someone loves you just the way you are its perfect.    And so brave of you to walk your path and hold your head up high earlier.   Lovely inspiring post. 

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Beverley Pennell


Thank you for sharing,

As i was telling Carly earlier my  hubby has begun to understand who i am, and what i am, this time with no underlying comments.

i am very happy for you.

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