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I have not written on here in a while ,with one thing and another and home  schooling a 8yr old and 10yr old it hasn't been easy to find time for myself. 

Anyway there has been a niggling thought in the back of my head that my job was not the one for me and I need to push myself with regards to my card reading and mediumship. 

So after a talk with my hubby I have made the decision to resign from my day job ,so I can concentrate on the spiritual side of me .

And do you know what, although the thought is scary I feel like I have had a weight lifted of my shoulders .I wish I had listened to myself and my guides a while ago .

It has taken me years to find what is right for me ,and I am so glad I have a supportive family. 

So onwards and upwards 

Love and light xx

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Tina Marie


That is so wonderful Shenna!  I'm so proud of you for listening!  Your journey begins now!  And what an exciting journey it will be.  Just remember to trust yourself and amazing things will happen!!  You go girl!  Woo Hoo! ????

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I love that you have a supportive family that is behind you on this, but  most of all that you had the courage to do it, and to make time for yourself and self development. 

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It is scary, I did it in 2017, and made that jump.  But the spirit team will support you. Trust ????  You can do it Sheena ...

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