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Wisdom from my Spirit Guides

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My Love is Learning!

Tina Marie


In the early stages of our relationship Mark and I learned a lot about each other.  He learned that I was a Psychic etc.  I learned his wife (who passed away from cancer 2 years earlier) was also Psychic, a healer, had her own metaphysical store well I could go on and on. LOL  We both learned that she brought me to him!  That was through 2 mediums, and the fact that she came to me one night!  Exciting stuff.  ?  So you would think that with all of that my love Mark would believe, and trust the spirit world right?  Well not exactly.  He calls what his wife and I do, heebie jeebie stuff. Lovingly, I might add.  There is a part of him that will admit there is something to what we do, but he is a Catholic (not practicing lol) so he was told from birth that this is the way it is.  Even with all the evidence his wife showed him, and I continue to show him that there is more out there, he doesn't want to trust.

I will say he is my biggest supporter!  He bought me my first tarot card reading class.  He listens when I tell him how Spirit works through me with my readings (tarot, psychic and mediumistic).  It amazes him when we drive down the road, and he is getting red lights, and asks me to change them to green... so I do!  That always gets a smile!  With all the evidence he has been shown, he is still not sure.  I never push!  I lovingly just share my excitement.

When I had a medium tell me, Carol (his wife) was with me, she told me that she brought me to him, because I could take him the rest of the way.  At the time I didn't understand what that meant.  I am now learning what she meant.

In April of 2021 Mark and I, plus 2 other couples will be going on a cruise.  We booked this a year ago before Covid.  Sometimes I would say, "You should check to see if there are any discounts on the cost.  Maybe they lowered it."  The reply was always total resistance.  Yesterday he got an email saying the drink package for the cruise was 40% off!  We thought that was a good deal so he tried to add it over the internet to our package.  This is where the interesting part comes in.  ?  He had to call someone to add it to the account.  Before he called I said, "How about you humor me, and ask if there are any discounts to the cruise itself."  He finally gave in and said, "Ok."  Being very skeptical he dialed the phone.  The lady added the drink package and then said, "Is there anything else?"  I was with Mark so I nudged him a little and he said, "Yes.  Can you see if there are any discounts on the cruise?"  She replied, "Sure hold on."  Several minutes later she said, "Ok I applied a $500 discount to your package!"  I started dancing!  Mark thanked her and hung up the phone.  He turned in his chair with a look of surprise, and a smile, and said, "Boy you are good!"  I smiled and kept dancing!  Hahaha!  When will he ever learn???

I think he is! ? 

I hope this story puts a smile on your face, and gives hope to those couples that don't exactly live with an enlightened person... yet!  ? 

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Shani McKeown


I love your story!! My husband is similar with his belief of spirit. He believes in my mediumship and is my biggest supporter. I also believe spirit brought us together. I travelled from my home in Australia to New Zealand  and circumstances brought us together that had to be Spirit. It was scary, we hit it off, moved in together four weeks after meeting and he moved back with me to Cairns Australia 12 months later. We have known each other 21 years and married 17.  I have to chuckle as my husband Chris slowly inch by inch in most subtle way has been learning about Spirit. My favourite story is when Chris went to his weekly free fun poker (not playing for money). He had enough money in his pocket to buy a coke. He had a kind man approach him and ask if he would like his drink voucher as he was going home. Chris said thank you and got a coke.  As he was leaving the venue, he remembered the coins in his pocket that he didn't spend on drink and decided to put $1 into a poker machine. On the second spin won $100. That was lucky you could say. However, what made it so special that even he even said "Thank you Sprit" was that we were on a tight budget and had overspent and before he left for poker we had a discussion about not having enough money for the week to buy enough food. They keep showing him! There are many occasions so I'm dancing with you! ?

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Tina Marie


Woo Hoo!  Shani thank you so much for sharing! ?

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Julian Jenkins


So beautiful x

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