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Happiness Where Are You?

Tina Marie


So many times in life I would say, "I just want to be happy!"  "What can I do to make myself happy?"  "How do I find Happiness?"  After many, many years of looking for happiness it was brought to my attention that you can't find happiness.  When I asked why?  The reply was this...   "Happiness is a state of mind.  If you are happy with your circumstances right now, more happiness will follow."  What?  I'm supposed to be happy with all the chaos going on around me?  How does that happen?  "It's a choice.  You can choose to let your circumstances dictate your feelings, or you can choose to be happy no matter what."  Well, let me tell you I had to really think about that.  One day it clicked.  I started to focus on all the things I was grateful for.  All the things that made me smile.  I started to see the world in a different light.  I stopped watching the news.  I started to look at the trees blowing in the wind.  Listening the the birds singing.  Feeling the grass under my feet.  And feeling the wind blow in my hair... well on my face. LOL  I would put my face towards the sun and let it shine on it!  I would imagine this beam of light shining through my face into my whole body filling me up with sunshine!  My love Mark didn't know what hit him.  I started to sing and dance around the house (two of my favorite things to do).  Smiling all day to the point where he looked at me and said, "What are you so happy about... you're scaring me with all this happiness."  I laughed and said, "Get used to it.  It's the new me!  I'm choosing to be happy!"  He of course rolled his eyes so I immediately walked over and gave him a kiss.  Then he smiled.  ?   I'm thinking he likes the new happier me.  He still doesn't get it, but is accepting it as the new normal.  ? Are you choosing to be Happy or are you still looking for it?

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Melissa Kennedy


Your happiness just made me happy! It is also contagious! 

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Beverley Pennell


Thank you Tina Marie, i was thinking this myself the other day,  I was happy to be back at work , but was so unhappy once i got there and the shift began, was it the patients , No . was it the staff No, what was it , It was the fact i had left my family back at home, 

We had been enjoying a good meal, watched a video and had been laughing,  joking just having good fun,  I was over the moon my youngest daughter had made it home after lock down, pleased as punch my hubby was not in pain that night.

It made me realize just how much my family mean to me.  I always txt my hubby to let him know i have arrived at work and which ward i am working on , but now i ring him to say goodnight i love you and sleep well. 

The fact they are there makes me happy.

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Tina Marie


Awe thank you so much for sharing Beverley!  I'm so glad you realize how much family means to you!  I think this time that we have all been locked in, made more people realize that than we know! ?

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Thank you Tina! This was something I was looking for for many years and finally looked inside, made a choice ? and continued on from there! The inner resonates to the outer!!! Keep shining bright??

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Tina Marie


Yay!  You sound like me!  I love it!  Thank you for sharing!?

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