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The Month Of May

Melissa Kennedy



As I write this I am contemplating the last day of May. This entire month felt odd.

I can only describe it now, in one word, confusion!

It was as if I was traveling between many different realities. Time just did not make sense.
I was continually asking what day is it? I actually looked at a calendar at my Mom's and
thought she is a month behind, when I saw May! I thought it was June! It was hard to keep my
appointment times straight.  I felt like I was just scrambling to find my daily rhythm.
It has been hard to keep a handle on what day of the week it has been, what time it was etc. 
I know I am picking up on the confusion of the collective. 
This has never happened on such a continuous scale over an extended period of time for me though.
But, when this happens I tend to want to drop into my heart and just center my entire being 
and find peace and answers from within. When the cv first hit 
I dropped into my heart and asked for guidance from my spiritual team.
Arch Angel Michael came through and gave me instructions on things I needed to do while the virus
was in its earliest stages. He gave me things to purchase, and he also gave me a specific date. 
The date turned out to be the exact day that things were lifting from cv in my area! 
He also told me that there were going to be riots and violence. At the time I had thought that
the riots would be due to people rebelling about quarantine, lack of goods and more government control during
the pandemic. Now I see clearly what the riots are about. I don't usually ask to know what is up
ahead. Today, I am dropping back into my heart and seeking the answers from my champion. 
Archangel Michael I hear his call! Please send healing to America. There are things going on here that are much
deeper than what the world is seeing. If America falls, our World will truly never be the same. 
We are all so intricately connected. This global pandemic has proven that. 

Peace, Love and Light!


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Tina Marie


Thank you for sharing your heart!  I too felt the same way!  Mark would look at me sometimes like, "I just told you what day it is... don't you remember?"  I of course would apologize for my lack of focus.  ?  I realize that it wasn't my lack of focus it was all the energy shifting and I was trying to catch up!  I hope today is a much better day for you Melissa!  It's funny even as I'm writing this I can feel something fighting me.  LOL Maybe it's me!  Humm.  ?

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Melissa Kennedy


I feel June’s energy will be better for us! Well, I am choosing it to be! I am proclaiming it my month of self care and inner focus! Care to join me? ???

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Beverley Pennell


I hear your confusion loud and clearly. 

I also want to take this time and space to say a huge thank you to you for being there for me at times when things got to difficuilt to handle. You have brought a lightness to my soul when things just didnt sit with me, or i had gone to jelly .

thank you for sharing your beautiful heart.

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Melissa Kennedy


You're Welcome & Thank You so much for being the beautiful person that you are Bev! 

So happy to call you my friend! xo 

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Melissa Kennedy


@Tina Marie I am so thankful to share this crazy and fulfilling life journey with you! xo 

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