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Journey To Find Direction

Shani McKeown


Due to covid-19, I had to stop work, go into lock down as I am high risk as a severe asthmatic. Then my church closed where I was practising Mediumship and inspirational channelling.. With everyone then in lockdown and everything closing, I decided to spend my time on my spiritual development and found many things to keep me going from crystals, chakras and automatic writing. I was doing bits of everything. Spirit asked me to make a Spiritual Facebook page. I didn’t see the point in this because I don’t have a lot of contacts so I chose not to do it.

I knew that when everything started to reopen, there would be new opportunities waiting for me but I had no idea of my direction or what I wanted to do with my spiritual gifts. I asked my guides regularly for some guidance and in the beginning they kept saying “Keep Preparing”   Weeks later, they began saying “Keep Refining”. Online I was researching Crystals, learning more about Chakras, Pendulums, Singing Bowls and practising Automatic Writing. So refining made sense but I also started feeling bit frustrated as though I would miss the boat if I didn’t know my direction.

I explained to my Mentor and she said "Have you done what Sprit have asked to do as they cannot give you more until you take a step".  I said yes apart from the Facebook page. She said “You don’t have to see the logic in it but Spirit always have a reason". So, I am in the process of creating my Facebook page. 

Yesterday, I realised that I had not done any Mediumship while in lockdown as I was so busy learning about other things. I asked my Mum if I could do a reading with her and I was blown away with the accuracy of the evidence and that I keep finding new Sprits to bring through that I don’t know. I usually hold back saying names but the names I gave her is how she made the connection. I was so excited and then realised that bringing through a loved one and communicating with him and my team, lit a fire under me that has been missing. I then knew that this is what I’m suppose to be doing. Finally I know my direction and now feel at ease to follow the spiritual string of where that will take me. Then I had a light bulb moment - that this had taken place after I finally took the step of making the spiritual Facebook page.  My Mentor was right, when  being of service to the spiritual world you need to take every opportunity and follow what they give you as this is Trust in the Spiritual World.

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Tina Marie


Shani thank  you so much for sharing!  it truly was inspiring!  I always say the Universe has your back so take that leap of faith and jump!  They always catch you!  ? 

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Melissa Kennedy


Beautiful! Trusting yourself and your guides is huge progress! A lot of us have fb pages for our spiritual lives! GL & Thank you for sharing!

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Beverley Pennell


Thank you for writing this Shani, and let us know when that facebook page is up and running .

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Shani McKeown


Thank you everyone, I love your comments. And Yes I would love to share my page when its up. 


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