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I doubted :( .... BUT NOT ANYMORE!!

Tina Marie


I had to share this experience that just happened to me!  I don't know why, but every once in a while I feel like second guessing my abilities.  It drives me crazy when I do that!  I'm sure it drives my guides and angels crazy too! LOL  

Last night when I was getting ready for bed this thought went through my mind.  Is all this for real?  Their answer was YES.  Why am I here?  To enlighten others, to help them through their trials and tribulations, to encourage, to be a LIGHT and that's just the beginning.  ME: Can you give me a sign?  I know I'm being crazy, but I need proof.  THEM:  What do you need for proof?  ME:  I don't know.  THEM: Ok. 

I went to bed and at some point during the night I started to wake up because my body was vibrating... especially my brain!  I heard a voice say, "It's ok just relax."  I tried to, but I did find it a bit of a challenge. LOL  I asked, "Who are you?"  "I am Metatron.  I'm giving you an upgrade so I need to download some information to you."  "Ok."  Soon my download was finished and I totally relaxed... no more vibrating.  Whew. LOL  I asked, "Can I see you?"  "No, but I will tell you that I am Red, Michael is Blue and Mary is Pink."  In my minds eye I could see all of them.  Michael was watching Metatron give me the download.  Mary was standing off to the side smiling.  They all glowed their colors.  Just beautiful!  Then they were gone and I went back to sleep.

When I woke up my first thought was WOW THAT WAS SO COOL! LOL  My second thought was... who do I tell?  My love Mark is a very supportive person for me, but isn't sure he believes all that happens to me.  He is funny.  I needed someone that would appreciate my experience.  Soooo I contacted Melissa Kennedy!  As expected she was excited for my experience and then sent me this post from Diana Cooper!

"This is an amazingly beautiful orb with strong vibrant colours actively beaming its blessings to the surrounding area and to people who pass by. The orange red colours are Archangel Metatron’s ascension energies.  The blue energies are Archangel Michael beaming protection strength and courage. The white green energy is Archangel Purlimiek, the Angel of Nature together with Archangel Raphael’s emerald green energy, beaming healing to the area. The pink is Archangel Chamuel transmitting love and compassion.  The violet is Archangel Zadkiel and St Germain bringing transmutation. The yellow is Archangel Uriel beaming peace. This orb is extremely powerful and what makes it also very special is that it contains several Ascended Masters (amongst which St Germain, El Morya, Lady Nada, Sananda, Kuthumi, Hilarion, Maitreya, Sanat Kumara).  Looking at this orb raises the frequency of your chakras and activates them in the 5th dimension. It makes you very receptive to the Divine and invites you to acknowledge who you truly are and to step more fully into your mission."  I hope Diana doesn't mind that I'm sharing her words and photo!  It is beautiful!

I guess after all of that you could say I got my sign!  The moral of my story is BELIEVE!  WE ARE ALL HERE FOR A REASON!!  WE ARE THE LIGHT AND HARMONY OF THIS WORLD!! 

Tina ?


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Tina I love reading your blogs! I doubt so many times and today has reminded me to trust and surrender!! Thank you!

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Melissa Kennedy


Oh my gosh! I love this story so much and honored to be a part of your spiritual journey! I think we were totally vibing on the same vibration! I have loved Diana Cooper for years! So happy to have someone to share her with!


Keep shining! ???

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Tina Marie


I so agree!  I'm happy you shared Diana Cooper too! ? 

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